Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a beautiful phase of a mother's life. It would be good to be active in pregnancy. Exercise is the best option for this. But there are usually many questions that come to mind about how to exercise during pregnancy. Physical exercise improves or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness.
The exercise during pregnancy can help with some common crisis of pregnancy and even help prepare your body for labor and delivery. On the recommendation of your gynecologist, you can do most types of exercise in pregnancy such as running, Pilates, weights, yoga, and swimming.
You can ask the Best Gynaecologist in Noida that exercising during your pregnancy is safe or not. If you have a medical problem, such as asthma, heart disease, or diabetes, Low placenta, Weak cervix, threatened of miscarriage, history of early labor or premature births and Bleeding or spotting exercise may not be advisable.
There are some benefits of exercise during pregnancy you may experience such as the exercise improves your mood and posture. It increases your energy, reduces backaches, constipation, bloating, and swelling. Exercise helps you sleep better. It promotes muscle tone, strength, and endurance. It may help prevent or treat gestational diabetes.
Dr. Karnika, Senior Gynaecologist at the Motherland Hospital in Noida advises, “Always talk with your gynecologist before starting, continuing, or changing an exercise routine. If exercise was in your routine before pregnancy and it is uncomplicated, you can go ahead with it”.
During the exercise, if you have these signs, stop exercising and you can meet the doctor in pregnancy hospital in Noida:
• Vaginal bleeding
• Faintness
• Chest pain
• Muscle weakness
• Calf pain or swelling
• Regular, painful contractions of the uterus
• Fluid leaking from the vagina
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